Friday, November 30, 2007

Bajan Tube

For all people intrested in Barbados and their culture there is now a new video site, called Bajan Tube.
Here is a Video with Dru from Barbados Crop Over 2007. About the song, I didnt like it so much the first time i heard it. I liked the video thou, it really show the wining skills of some nice ladys and gives a solid party vibe. The song catch on, I like the lyrics about "real badman" and "lets bun up dis whole system". But the real dread thing is the bass line in the riddim. Check it...
Dru - Ting In De Waist

The thing i wonder is how is backing the site. I think it takes a lot of capital and know how to devolop a site like that from scratch and there is already a caribbean videosite, West Indian Tube. They are both very similar to You Tube, but it seems like its not YouTube that is behind the sites. More likly is that they bought a video solution and do the setup and running them selfs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hvad jeg ledte efter, tak