"SHIBUYA POP Riddim" is out now strictly limited on digital distribution !!
SHIBUYA POP Riddim is a great mixture of JAPAN × JAMAICA × TRINIDAD & TOBAGO, based on a fresh and cutting edge Caribbean music called ISLAND POP.
"ISLAND POP" is the latest Caribbean dance music emerging from Caribbean's southernmost country TRINIDAD & TOBAGO, and has been attracting the attention from all over the world.
Selector HEMO quickly adopted it's movement, and produced "SHIBUYA POP Riddim " along with Trinidad's NO.1 Production team "Precision Production".
The artists' line up includes "KEVIN LYTTLE" , a SOCA prince well known for his magnum hit "TURN ME ON ", "LUKIE D" , a Jamaican veteran singer with gifted voice who is also known as a member of "L.U.S.T", "NICKY B" , a talented youth who recently released his first album with a huge hit "If It Isn't Love (Remix)" feat SEAN PAUL .
Japanese artists such as Micky RICH, Romie and Carnival Flavor are also participating with their hot tunes, getting ready for the hot hot summer !
◆iTunes :
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◆レゲエZION :
◆レコチョク :
・By My Side / Carnival Flavor
・Stress Free / Micky Rich
・Carnival is Mine / Romie
LIME Records
"Shibuya Pop Riddim"7曲含む
"Selector HEMO presents ISLAND POP !!!"
2013/7/10(wed) On Sale !!!!
―SHIBUYA POP Riddim / V.A―
カリブ海最南端の国"TRINIDAD & TOBAGO "
ミュージック "ISLAND POP"!!!
このムーブメントをいち早く取り入れたSelector HEMOが
Precision Productionと共作した、"SHIBUYA POP Riddim " !!!
世界を揺らした"TURN ME ON "でお馴染みのSOCAの貴公子、
KEVIN LYTTLE や"L.U.S.T"での活躍のジャマイカのベテラン
実力派美声シンガーLUKIE D 、そしてSEAN PAUL との、
"If It Isn't Love (Remix)"も大ヒット中!1st Albumもリリースした
ばかりの次世代注目株"NICKY B "も参加!
Micky Rich、Romie、Carnival Flavor の日本人アーティストの
<SHIBUYA POP Riddim / V.A -Track List>
I Love Carnival / Kevin Little feat skinny fabulous
Stress Free / Micky Rich
Get Up And Dance / Nicky B
Carnival is Mine / Romie
Pure Love / Lukie D
By My Side / Carnival Flavor
Stress Free(Road mix) / Micky Rich
Carnival is Mine(Road mix) / Romie
Shibuya Pop Riddim
Shibuya Pop Riddim Pt.2
―SHIBUYA POP Riddim / V.A Official Music Video ―
・Produced by: LIME Records
・Executive Producer: Selector HEMO (LIME Records)
・Director: Ippei Morita (LIME House)
・Camera(Japan): Issop
・Camera(Trinidad&Tobago): Kendall Layne(KLayne Films)
・Edit: Ippei Morita (LIME House)
・Music produce: Selector HEMO & Precision Production
・Artist: Carnival Flavor, Micky Rich, Romie
・Choreographer: Yuri
・Dancer: Yuri,A-chan,Chiaki from RED KAT,Mai,Angella/MARI/KEI/Ackeee/YASU(Car
・Steel Pan: Asa-Chan & Yumi(Stars On Pan)
・Actress: RIHO
・Hair Make: MARI
・Extra: Momoko Tamura
・Location Providers: Takao Tezuka(Jiyugaoka Tezuka Dental Office),Kenji Yonekura(Yonekura Boxing Gym)
・Jingle Sound: Yumi(Stars On Pan)
・Translator: Yogie Ariga
・A&R:Ayako Yamabe,Yoichiro Sumix
・Art Work & Design : CANSER
・Special Thanks to:
Petra Laptiste,Carifrique.com, Ronnie and Caro McIntosh,Ronnie & Caro The Mas Band,Manabu,Katsunori Tsuda(総合格闘技津田沼道場),Nanae & Hitohiko,Sheena,Yogie,Shorty & All Our Friends.