Monday, May 21, 2012

Soca Dennis plays Betray by Lutenants on Swedish Radio

Soca Dennis was a guest in Metrolpol Ute last friday and took the chance and played Betray by Lutenants on prime time. The interview is in English but I can tell you they call Dennis a legend in Stockholm and songs shall be written to his honors. LOL

Listen here at 16:30:

Metropol Ute 18.00 - 18.30 fredag 18 maj 2012

See the post we did about Betray some time ago here:

The Hottest UK Soca Duo Presents...BETRAY


PRODUCED BY - @SD Productions UK
WRITTEN BY - @LutenantsLT
MIXED & MASTERED BY - @Adiktive_UK & @SD Productions UK