Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Kingdoms Under The Sun Carnival @ Rotterdam Carnival

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Kingdoms Under The Sun has its Carnival roots from Aruba, but at present it reflects the UNITY of Carnival Lovers from different countries and islands from all over the world.

During Zomercarnaval in Holland every carnival group SHINES; they are SPECIAL in their own way, presenting their CREATIVITY through unique and elaborate THEMES. For ONE DAY in the summer they seem like little KINGDOMS that UNITE to CELEBRATE LIFE under the CARNIVAL SUN... We are all part of KINGDOMS UNDER THE SUN!!!

Kingdoms Under The Sun, in its former 7 years of presentation, has already opened the Zomercarnival parade in Rotterdam 3 times due to the fact that its Queens have won the max title of Zomercarnival Queen for the Netherlands.

Kingdoms Under The Sun is based in Amsterdam and is member of the international carnival organization F.E.C.C. (FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN CARNIVAL CITIES).

All themes, designs, and costumes are ellaborated by our groupleader Rossini van Wijk.

These are our THEMES & QUEENS for Zomercarnaval in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. This colorfull streetparade is held every year in July and attracts over one million people from all over the world.

2009 - "Secrets Of El Dorado"
* Queen Emily Berkley wins 3rd Place during Zomercarnaval Queen Election 2009, and represents Holland during Nothing Hill Carnival 2009.
* Queen Emily Berkley wins "Best Show" and "Best Costume" during Zomercarnaval Queen Election 2009.
* Group wins 3rd prize for "Best Carnival Group", 3rd prize for "Best Individual Adult", Winner "Best Individual Youth".

2008 - Kingdoms preparing for Zomercarnaval 2009.
* Queen Gishlaine Paula

2007 - "Legends Of Atlantis"
* Queen Marcie de Jongh wins Queen Zomercarnaval 2007, and represents Holland during Aruba Carnival 2008.
* Queen Marcie de Jongh wins "Best Show" during Zomercarnaval Queen Election 2007.
* Group wins 3rd prize for "Best Individual Adult".

2006 - "Return To Babylon"
* Queen Ruthlene Werleman wins "Best Costume" during Zomercarnaval Queen Election 2005.
* Group wins 3rd and 4th prize for "Best Individual Adult".

2005 - "Gods Of The Olympia"
* Queen Imara Thomas wins Queen Zomercarnaval 2005, and represents Holland during Aruba Carnival 2006.

2004 - "Celebration"
* Queen Zahaira Marin wins Queen Zomercarnaval 2004, and represents Holland during Aruba Carnival 2005.
* Queen Zahaira Marin wins "Best Show" and "Best Costume" during Zomercarnaval Queen Election 2004.
*Group wins 2nd and 3rd prize for "Best Individual Adult".

2003 - "Messengers Of The Sun"
* Queen Yaiskibelle Marin represents Kingdoms during Zomercarnaval Queen Election 2003, and represents Kingdoms during Aruba's 50th Carnival Celebration 2004.

Go to their Facebook page for more info and how to sign up!

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