Saturday, January 19, 2008

Carnival article

I just stumble upon this article in the Fact Magazine from UK. The article is from 2006 but explains in a truthful way how j'overt and carnival in TnT is like.

"Although it’s 4:30 a.m, down on Ariapita Avenue both sides of the street are thronging with people waiting expectantly. Then, suddenly, they are upon us: bodies painted totally blue, many with horns protruding from their heads, rush forward from around the corner; some have wings decorated with swastikas, others carry pitchforks and blow streams of fire from their mouths. Some wear hideous facial masks, others appear to vomit blood, the ferocious leader rips a doll’s head from its neck, enabling him to perform lewd acts with it."
By David Katz

Read the rest here.

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